Apres Le Deluge

Not that much a deluge, I have to say, although yesterday I did hear a big splatter of water during a downpour - it would appear next-door's downpipe is blocked and it was shooting out of one of the joints like a geyser. But it's not really rained today.

I got a haircut for the first time in months and then we went to get the car valeted, which Mr HPW promised he'd do when he got elected, but they couldn't fit us in... nor could we get a table for an icecream in Jaconelli's. So we came home, had lunch and a drive to make Alexander go to sleep, and then everybody snoozed and I read Terry Pratchett.

We've just had a curry cooked by Mr HPW which was nice but a bit hot... some cold custard will be applied to the affected spot shortly.

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