This is my Blip Life

By Kathy

Oooh ahhh...........

We decided on a late visit to the Trafford Centre this afternoon, & it was absolutely packed out.
I went into Coast to see if they had any bargains, and lo and behold they had a gorgeous dress in my size . So I scurried to the changing room and eagerly tried it on. Getting it on was easy,it fitted just fine and I made my mind up there and then to buy it . Taking it off took almost twenty minutes as I got the zip jammed on the hanger tag. I was getting quite desperate , and was almost at the point of shouting for help when I managed to free up just enough fabric to slip it off . I explained my dilemma to the assistant & they went and got me a brand new dress , which I am thrilled with.

We sat people watching for a while, this little fountain always draws a crowd. The water gently rotates round the dolphins , until all of a sudden , it shoots a huge jet of water into the air. All the children love it, and I must admit, despite having seen it hundreds of times, I rather enjoy it myself.

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