All wrapped up and no where to go.

I'm still realing a bit with the 'gifts to Oz' fiasco I mentioned a few days ago. Daughter Number 2's Christmas presents are still on the dining room table wrapped and ready to go but I can't decide what to do. Her boyfriend was supposed to take them when he leaves for Oz on Tuesday but he changed his mind and decided he didn't have the room or allowance for them and worried about them being 'too dodgy to get through customs'. Another friend has offered to take them when she goes out on the 22nd but it means DN 2 won't get them until after Christmas. Or I box them all up and courier them over at vast expense. It's not so much the cost of postage but that the fact 2 items (money and suncream) are prohibited from being included in parcels.

And while I was at work (that all went a bit boobs up) Mr W thought he'd kindly update my laptop for me and now it won't connect to the Internet so I can't easily research the courier costs or finish her photo book of her travels.

Oh the dilemmas of life.

I think I'll have a nap and hope it's all sorted when I wake up!

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