
By Veronica


On the way home from choir practice, a massive moon appeared over the horizon. I couldn't stop on the autoroute, so when  I was nearly home I pulled over and took a few rubbish photos #fromthecarwindow. I only had the Sony, so I set it to auto and just clicked. Most of them were dark blurs with a white blob.  I was quite surprised at how this one turned out -- rather surreal.

We sang a whole load of tedious Brahms and Schumann gipsy songs. Germanic gipsies ... not my favourites. I decided to ring the changes from my usual carrot cake, and took some Belgian fudge cake along.People practically came to blows over it, and soon there were only crumbs left ... I told them it would be at least a year before I make another one because it is just too sinful to eat more often than that.

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