
By Swissfamilywood

Date night postponed

Life has been so hectic of late and I've not been in the best place (after recent events) that Wes and I have overlooked each other a bit.

So last night was supposed to be our long overdue date night and how excited I was.

Hair had been done and numerous beauty treatments had taken place! Sienna was arranged to stay with Wes' Mum and so we had a long overdue lie in planned too (really need after recent 5am wake ups and night wakes too!).

Sadly it wasn't to be. We got a call to say Wes' Nan had passed away so his Mum had to go and see her Dad.

When you think of Nan's you usually think of sweet, kind caring ladies and I feel terrible talking bad of the dead - but she wasn't any of them. She sadly didn't really care for Wes' Mum or Wes and caused a really awful time for us when planning our wedding a few years back. His Mum had tried her hardest to do as much as she could for her and try and have some sort of normal mother/daughter relationship, but it never did happen. Sadly they'd not really been in touch for the last few years, but life had been easier that way.

I really feel for his Mum as like any child, she wanted her Mum to love her and show her care, but that never came to be. Now she has to get over loosing her Mum when they weren't really speaking.

So date night was off and instead we stayed in with a takeaway and wine and had a rather sombre evening.

Now here I am after being woken at 5.30am drinking numerous cups of tea and watching Teletubbies with my gal.

The joys of motherhood ;)

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