Saint Nick Shopping ... Not

Had to go to Breda today for a couple of items.  It's unbelievable how much driving time (and diesel) it can cost just for a couple of items!  Whether or not I wanted to pay for parking, it took quite an effort to look for a empty parking spot.

Equally difficult was looking for the computer shop I used to patronize.  We needed printer ink and I thought the shop would still be around.  It still exists online but the address reminded me of Grimauld Place -- practically invisible to the ordinary human eye.  I ended up at the local Media Markt, a chain I'm not really crazy about.

What I did manage to do was order a new and, this time, large cover for our wok.  The old glass one had a couple of chips and I didn't find out till I got cut while doing the dishes.  Delivery in about two weeks.

Things we discussed when I got back home:
1   Why I am not more social than I am?  I am social but in my own way.  Have done my best in that area but have been ignored often enough so that I have lost my interest in plain "small talk".  Can mention a number of folks I've really gone out of my way for who never in turn took the trouble to keep in touch.
2   Why do I always arrange it so that we're away somewhere for the holidays?  Are we running away from our version of 'winter loneliness'?  It might look like that.  Actually, we are mostly by ourselves and everyone we're in touch with has their own family.  Those we'd have loved to visit don't want us to visit and don't come around.  We ARE very much aware of our situation and travelling has become our way of easing things for ourselves.  I have learned that there is nothing wrong with adapting to a situation like this and travelling has turned out to be loads better than sitting in the living room and focussing on what we don't have.
3   Where we live has reduced our options in the socializing sphere.  The topic of moving came up again and this time it won't return to the bottom drawer.  I'll be actively scouting around now, too.  Where to?  Breda, of course!  The town where we have always felt at home.

In the meantime, we've decided that we're spending the winter in The Neth.  There's enough here to see! 

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