
It's rather a miserable day, although there have been a few bright spots!

Have been mucking about a bit with my stones.  I have quite a collection as I have collected them over quite a few years.  I mucked about making pyramids, but this was the best I could get.  

The bottom one is from the Isle of Islay, and next to that is one from Cullen on the Moray Firth.  On top of that is one I picked up in the island of Crete, the only Greek island I have visited.  Then one from Galloway, and on top of that one from Sandwood Bay in Sutherland.  We enjoyed the walk in to the bay.    The second from the top I picked up riverside at the Fraser River in Canada.    I loved that River, so many great stories of exploration there.

And on the very top is a stone given to me by frinds who went up Mount Sinai while in Egypt...... he walked while she rode a donkey...... I wonder if Moses did when he received the Ten Commandments!!!

Anyway, I find them rather beautiful, and colours are so lovely and they are nice to handle.

Hope your Sunday is wonderful.

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