We'll Paint the Town, We'll Shut her Down
ABC of Troon.... Continues tomorrow with K
We headed for the harbour at high tide; the clash of a high tide, and high winds is something we love. It was very strange - the sky was black and threatening, the waves were crashing, the rain was massive lumps of wet hard water.
And yet. as the storm hit us, the storm was moving and we could see the possibility of a break in the bleak, blackness.
It didn't take more than 5 minutes for the dark sky to move maybe 6 miles over - and behind it, beautiful sunshine, and a lull in the wind. The sea was still rough; being pounded miles away - from the back and the sides, but for a moment, a still, still moment, it was beautiful, still, bright, and right in front of us.
It didn't last long - another five minutes and we could see the next wave heading in, and before we had left the harbour the sky was black again and once more we were being buffeted by the wind and heavy rain drops were obscuring the windscreen.
It was like passing through the eye of a storm.
Yay GB Davies Cup Team!
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