Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Berry Bush

A cold morning, and my partner is at work. After doing the chores, I manage to do some work on my bike, but for only 15 minutes at a time as my hands get too cold to do anything. Washing the bikes is out, as they wouldn't dry. I do oil chains, pump up tyres and wipe the worst of the dirt off.

After lunch, I go to Cameron Toll to meet my partner. On the way to the bus stop, I notice this berry bush across the road shining in the cold November sunshine. Not much else catches my eyes as the buses I catch are timed perfectly and it doesn't take any time to get to where I want to be.

After coffee and cake, we head home. Waiting for the bus, I notice two crows on their observation lamp post. Can't help wonder what they are looking at in the gloamin'.(extra photo for today).

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