Birds of City Park

Today the weather was much better, but I had to prepare a lot of things for the next week. As I said yesterday, I made a collage of the 7 species of birds I captured yesterday at our City Park, before the thunderstorm: left to right, up to down: 1. fork-tailed flycatcher: its long tail works like a tightrope walker stick; 2. Caracara: our imposing falcon is really the "king of falcons", 3. An entire family of geese - mom, dad and several little guys; 4. Southern lapwing: in my opinion, the most "elegant" bird we have; 5. great kiskadee, he sings a lot!; 6. rufous hornero: an ovenbird that is known by its extraordinary nest; 7. picazuro pigeon: a wild dove that usually comes to the city.

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