Nmbr-1 and Tabasco discovered a Bluebird feather in front of our garage.
Of course, they immediately presented it to me.
Such a gift.
I'm thinking. A present from our Bluebird family.
Maybe drifting on the wind. Whirling in circles.
Until finally landing where it couldn't be missed.
Hey, I see your eyes rolling, but it's not everyday we find a feather.
Think about it.
With so many birds flying overhead,
Why don't we find more pieces of plumage lying around ?
I turn the small feather over in my hand.
Soft. Delicate.
The color. Changing from brown, to gray, to blue.
Depending on the angle of the light.
So light, I fear it will blow away even in the house.
Nmbr-1 suggested a Blip.
Good idea.
It didn't take long to again realize, I am not a Macro Maven.
I tried Nmbr-1's macro lens. Fugetaboutit.
Retreated to my trusty 70-300.
Then the wind. I snapped a few, worrying I would lose my treasure.
Here's the result.
Once again I am humbled by the awesome Macro Blippers I've met here. ?Kudos. My friends
Thank you all for prodding Deer Boy to his feet and
Steering him into the spotlight.
It made me oh-so-very-happy.
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