Capturing the Everyday

By JulianBuchanan

No more killing civilians

I'm troubled, like I was when Bush & Blair wanted to bomb Iraq, an invasion that has to date claimed 147,208 civilian lives and not surprisingly made the world more unstable and divided. So this photo captures my unease today at the escalation of war, arms trade, security forces, surveillance, fear, hate and intolerance, it’s a photo of my Facebook profile picture.

Recently we stood peacefully together in unity to support the family and friends of all the civilians killed in Paris, people across the world adopted the colours of the French flag. Today I just wish we could respond in a similar way for the civilians, families and friends in Syria who are about to killed. I wish people would protest, and have the same compassion to try and prevent further needless civilian bloodshed.

Bombing Syrian people as a response to Paris  - Not In My Name.

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