The Great Waterpik Misadventure

I believe in maintaining good dental health, and so regular dental visits are part of my routine. At my last visit a few weeks ago, the dental hygienist bemoaned the state of my gums and recommended I invest in a good water flosser. The brand they recommend is Waterpik, and so I used some of my health savings account money to pick one up.

I brought it home, charged the little machine, and slid the nozzle in on top. I am sort of wary of new things, to be honest. So somehow I have not yet gotten around to actually putting water in the thing and - you know - actually USING it.

The Crittergators, however, are not so shy. They adore new things! And they love a good adventure. (Or misadventure, as the case may be.) And so it was that the little band of four - with oversight by one of the Dancing Girls on her trusty Cat-Steed - investigated the new thing.

Quick as a wink, one of the little red-shirts found the entry portal, and climbed atop the little door. From there, it gave a tiny war cry and did an amazing back-flip into the water reservoir of the Waterpik! And . . . so it was that a red-shirt got TRAPPED!

Well, of course, we were all concerned, but it turns out there was no need to be. The Cat-Steed carefully checked the entry door but discovered it was far too small for anyone else, save perhaps the other red-shirt, to enter.

And so it was that a tiny rescue had to take place. I gently put the unit on its side and extracted the trapped individual - who was full of amazing stories about the adventure that took place. About a water cave full of dragons and damsels, and demons and druids, and finally a great shining light, and freedom.

I think somebody who shall remain nameless has a great sense of imagination. Not so my husband, who stumbled into the scene and shouted: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? That's an official DENTAL IMPLEMENT!" Hmmph, some people just have no sense of adventure!   ;-)

The song to accompany this image begins with the words . . . "I'm caught in a trap. I can't walk out. . . . " Here's Dwight Yoakum, with Suspicious Minds. (And yes, I do prefer his cover of this tune to any versions by Elvis.) Singing begins around 1:25. Enjoy!

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