Erica x darleyensis
Over the last few days I’ve noted the following in flower.
Plant no 137 Elaeagnus macrophylla week 46
Plant no 139 Convolvulus cneorum 47
140 Fatsia japonica 47
145 Jasminum nudiflorum 49
146 Viburnum x bodnantense 49
147 Mahonia x media 49
149 Iris unguicularis ‘Walter Butt’ 50
150 Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ 50
151 Viburnum tinus 51
153 Erica darleyensis 51
154 Lonicera x purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ 52
5A Acacia dealbata 2
8 Vinca major 3
15 Garrya elliptica 5
Even the odd Passion Flower and Nerine bowdenii. The mild conditions in the
South East seem to be confusing the plants.
All these plants as shown in my book "All Year Plants in Flower" so Erica in the photo is just about on target but of course it will still be flowering in January. I usually say that shrubs will be in flower for three to four weeks but during the winter this can be a lot longer. It will be interesting to note what the Acacia and Garrya will be like when they should be flowering in 5 to 7 weeks time.
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