developing small ideas..

By cheralyn

Armed froces day... here is a photo of my friends

This a photo of my friend Georgina, Gary and their children, I have to say I was very proud to see my Friend George sing in the Plymouth Military Wives Choir (she has done this for some time but i have always been working and never be able to attend.. I got there early got to the front row.
This is something Gary posted on the Militry Wives Choir timeline... i found it very touching and wanted to share it with you all..

"A military wife is an amazing creation. She's the one person who, often single-handedly looks after you children, your house, your finances, your life and your family's future when you're deployed away. She's the person you call when you've had a really rubbish day and she'll be there for you no matter how bad a day she's had! I've been all over the world including Afghanistan and i'm now deployed in the Middle East. My wife gives me an amazing amount of suport and I couldn't do the job I love without her. We sign a dotted line but you don't (I hate the phrase "you knew what you were getting into when you married a man in the forces!!!"). It's time the nation gave some support to the women who face as big a battle as we do - our wives. :-) "

Plymouth is incredibly honoured to have been chosen to host the 2012 national celebrations. The city has an incredibly proud naval heritage and as home to the Army and Royal Marines as well, the Armed Forces really are at the heart of the city.

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