Stepping Up to the Plate

I am not a cook. I was never a cook. I will never be a cook.
To be strictly honest, I have never enjoyed cooking and I find it a real chore. All that creativity and preparation time with no end product to hang on the wall and admire, that is the philosophy of a non-cook. Needless to say, I have a completely different philosophy regarding eating.

It's still a mystery how I managed to muddle my way through those fashionable dinner parties of the 70s and 80s, although I remember I was rather adept at assembling and passing off the result as my own- a dishonest non-cook.

I have become an even more reluctant cook, now that the family has left the nest (all to become very good cooks, I might add) leaving just two of us to feed.
With a vegetarian in the mix, I have become more adept at assembling, but with the problem I had last year finding a nut  roast for Christmas dinner, I have stepped up to the plate and made a nut roast today for His Lordship's Christmas dinner, which will be frozen until then.

On the big day, I of course will be tucking into turkey with all the trimmings, in the company of son#2 and his partner who are coming over from Hungary to spend Christmas with us. They are not vegetarians.

My extra image is of another puddle on what I describe as a "fell dreich day".

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