There and back again

By Mikes

A trip into the past

In 1967 my wife and I went to live in Singapore where I had been sent by the Royal Marines and we were provided with a flat just off the main shopping centre of Singapore City, Orchard Road.  My middle daughter has just returned from a holiday there and from the pictures they have brought back, it is obvious changed beyond all imagination.  Knowing my love of maps she brought back this map of the city. After at first  not recognising anything,  we are slowly picking out landmarks which still remain and names are beginning to stir memories of our wonderful time there. including  the street where we lived. I am still poring over the map.
We came home with lots of fond memories and a baby girl who chose to be born on the day we were due to fly home. This meant a delay of a month before she was old enough to fly which we spent on leave in Singapore. 

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