
This may be the only part of the older part of Reading station that is still around. My recollection is that much of the station used to be in this architectural style, but now most of it is very modern, and was completed maybe about five years ago. There are tall office buildings going up to surround the station.

I found my television needed a new "set top box", I was not sure if such things still exist. I discovered they do, though I found only one make available. I made a trip into Reading to collect the box.

When I first moved to Reading it took me a while to work out by car the tortuous road system. The journey to the centre of town from Twyford only takes ten minutes by train, so it is not worth the trouble of going by car which would certainly take longer.

It was fairly busy in town, but then I suspect it is always busy. The day was mostly cloudy though we did have some sunshine in the morning.

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