
By Lot

Vegan banana muffins

Tonight I am going to a 'Disney-evening' with friends. We do this very often, because even though we are all grown op, we still love watching Disney-movies and it's a good excuse to keep meeting regularly although one of us is living abroad and I will be moving away too in the fall. Another thing we do on these days is eat. And by that I mean I usually try to eat nothing but fruit and soup on the days before and after to compensate for the huge amount of calories we consume.

So for tonight, I made vegan banana cupcakes. They're vegan because I participated in the Veggiechallenge last month (www.veggiechallenge.nl) and tried to eat vegan for at least three days a week. And eating less animal products feels good to me, so I'm going to try and keep eating mostly vegan.

The recipe comes from Peta (http://www.peta.org/living/vegetarian-living/recipes/ ) Half of the muffinse are banana-walnut and the others are banana-chockolate, because one of my freinds is allergic to nuts.

And now, I'm going to stare at my big pile of muffins and try not to eat all of them during the day...

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