
By CharlotteJ

How often..... you see a dog and a Kangaroo together?
Meet Gilbert the dog with one of the Kangaroo's (note to self I must learn her name!) on our deck this morning enjoying a sweet potato.
thank you for putting my blip yesterday onto spotlight (Pop page for those who don't remember spotlight!)

We have had a great day working from 'home' and finished up about 3pm (we started at 7am) and went for a wonder around the local town and popped into the gym to inquire about step classes and swimming lessons for me next year.  I need to learn to swim and they were not freaked out by the fact that I couldn't swim!!

I'm feeling more settled today.....yesterday was a 'blip'....thank you for the support, kind words, kick up the backside and honest words yesterday.....I needed it!  I brought bleach today for the two loos......I will leave this house cleaner than how it was found!!  I have already decided that when we stay next year I am going to shove all the trinkets into a cupboard 'so I don't break them' and I am going to ask for some blinds / curtains to be put up at our main bedroom window....its lovely waking up to a Kangaroo looking at you but I don't wish to be woken at some ungodly hour by the sun, no matter how pretty sunrise is!!! 

Tomorrow we have two meetings in the city.

Time now for wine and dinner


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