Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Opportunity knocks!

First day without a challenge to guide my blip. Quite liberating, but not sure what to do.
So I went off to explore Wellington Country Park, but the rain, the £8 admission and screaming kids put me off a bit. So after a coffee, I wandered around the carpark to see if I could find some artistic rain drops or helfully posed birds - not to be...
...then I saw this guys house, and as I was wondering who might live there, he helpfully came out to see what was going on in the neighbourhood. I just wish I had my tripod with me so I could have taken a steadier picture.
Now I'm not a lover of spiders, but I realised that if you close your mind to things you think you don't like or agree with, you might miss out on some great opportunities.

Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
~Merry Browne~

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