
By HelsWels79


Bit out of sync with my updates. This should be Sunday's blip, but heyho I'll do a 2 in 1.

Woke up Ben-less in Prestwich so we were treated to a sleep-in. Good bloody job too cause we stayed too late last night. I couldn't get past 9, but that was treat enough. I then had nothing better to do than watch morning TV, eat rounds of toast, drink tea n chat, bliss.

Went to the Lowry in the afternoon for some culture with Wellsy. Saw this Planthropy exhibition. Each plant represents a charity and water is released every time someone tweet's about them, the tweat can be viewed on the plant's LED screen and it is spoken out too. I liked it.

We had tea out, just us and Neave before heading our separate ways, Wellsy to work, me home to the in-laws.

Monday I took said in-laws and kiddies to Tropical World. The place has had a make-over since we've last been and the croc's getting big!

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