Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


I understand that it appears that I've abandoned the A-Z challenge, but X,Y and Z are on their way. I promise.

I've decided to do my journal entry early today as I have no other plans but to lay in bed all day - I have a bit of a sore head after drinking a bit too much last night. But hey, what kind of night would it be without throwing up in someone's garden, falling down a hill, and sticking your face in a bucket of water and walking around town looking like the Joker? Poor Lesley had to look after me and she let me stay at her house so that my Mum didn't find out a thing - a true friend right there. So now I'm in my pyjamas, watching the I.T Crowd, and loading up the Sims. Enjoy the rest of your day, whatever you may be doing.

You know you twist so fine. The Beatles did the best cover of Twist and Shout, in my opinion. This was my favourite concert of their's (not that I was there, although the girl that ran onto the pitch may as well have been me) - George is just perfection.

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