
By Pedros

Canterbury Sprint Triathlon

Here is your correspondent with young Mavis, proudly displaying her very nice medal and enjoying a Jelly Baby, following our first sprint Triathlon. Surprisingly, it wasn't the energy-sapping, nausea-inducing, ordeal that I expected. The real pain came with the free sports massage at the end - the masseur found the painful bits, then dug his digits in - ouch!!!

A select few other parkrunners were there taking part - Steve and Joe (and his daughter Katie), and the support team of Mrs Soup, Bob, Teresa (Mrs Steve), Janet (Mrs Joe). Thanks to Mrs Soup for baking everyone energy bars.

Sally used the excuse of a broken leg to drop out (she fell off a climbing wall!) - and her partner Richard had to cancel so he could hold her hand. Jules' dodgy hip kept her out too.

And Mr Motivator (Neil), newly addicted to cycling, thought about cycling the 50 miles to Canterbury to support us - but he found he had something else to do.

The event was well organised - a good day - and a full one (up at 4am) - I am tempted to do another one...

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