Down the rabbit hole

Him (stepping out from behind the bins on the left and flashing his Police ID): "Excuse me, can I ask what you are taking a photo of?"

Me: "Sure, I never noticed before the way the buildings and that walkway act as a kind of frame to the Mad Hatter pub" (realising as I was saying it out loud how faintly ridiculous it sounds)

Him: "Mind if I have a look at the photos?"

Me: "Not at all, here you go, I'll probably crop it like this so it accentuates the framing and I might put a vignette around it" (realising as I was saying it out loud how faintly ridiculous it sounds)

Him: "You do realise you are standing behind a police station? Why are you taking photos?".

Me: "Err, well I've had a blog for over six years now and I take photos of things I see each day and post it on there" (realising as I was saying it out loud how faintly ridiculous it sounds).

Him: "Can you tell me the web address for your blog please, I'd like to check it out".

Me: "Why do you want to check it out"

Him: "Just to see what kind of photos you post, I'm interested"

Me: "Would you rather I deleted these photos off the camera?"

Him: "Well that's up to you but you are being watched on CCTV just now and heightened security concerns mean that I have to check out anyone I think might be taking photos of our vehicles or our location"

Me: "Fuck me, mate, has it really come to this? I'm not giving you the address of my blog as I doubt looking at six years worth of my kids growing up and my personal life will be a useful way for you to spend your time but I'm not deleting the photos either because I intend to make the most of the small bit of time we all have left in a relatively free and sane society" (realising as I was saying it out loud how faintly ridiculous it sounds). 

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