with a sight of the radiator behind it.
Thank you youoregon1 for hosting again the Abstract Thursday challenge.
A glorious sunny day all day long. So we sat in the sun reading, at the balcony, in the morning.
And after lunch of course a walk. A sunbathing path was chosen.
We drove to Helmarshausen and started our walk from there.
Through wide fields and along a brook bordered by trees and bushes. And out of the bushes three deer jumped, frightened by us, and found another safe place.

I want to thank you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my photo of yesterday. I have seen mushrooms everywhere but never on a high wall between moss plants. I found it magical.

My haiku:

I hardly ever
Sit on the peacock throne chair
Nicer to look at it

And the proverb:

When the peacock loudly bawls, soon we 'll have both rain and squalls.

1883  Roper  28.

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