Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Larnaca Old Town

Today has been another very long day, although it didn't involve any racing around; oh, just remembered, we did pop into three DIY stores in Larnaca in less than an hour looking for something very specific (a collapsible crate). Didn't find it. :(  Sometimes when I look at the way homes are designed, I really wonder where one is supposed to keep cleaning and laundry essentials.

Anyway, I digress. Made it to the flat just after 8:30 for the workman who wanted to start at that time. It was the man from the white goods store who didn't do the installation when they were delivered. We found out why today. 8-|

To my surprise, he had somehow let himself in much earlier than 8:30, so by the time we got there, the oven and fridge were in place, and he was working on the washing machine. I am always amazed at how long these things take to finish.

We had to exchange a curtain rod for a longer length so we raced out to do that before the next set of workmen said they would come at 10 to really finish things off i.e. hang things/drill holes in the wall. They worked really well to get everything looking GOOD. I think even they were pleased with the result. And at 3pm, the cleaner arrived. You won't believe it but over here, if a hole is drilled in the wall, little is done to deal with the dust at source or clean it up!! The IKEA guys had left dust everywhere.

It took over 6 man hours to knock the place in shape once the builders had left. Even G's 75 year old friend Catherine helped to clear all the boxes which had been left in the balcony.

So, I spent the bulk of the day in the new flat and it is now ready to go, apart from curtains in the living area which G nipped out to collect at 4pm. These were done by an 80 year old man in the nearby village of Oroklini. The round trip took her ages as John Kerry is visiting Cyprus and causing traffic chaos!

We left the flat around 6pm to have dinner for the last time at Tamala in Kiti! Dropped C off whilst G & I raced down to Lidl's to get sesame seed bars and some other chocolates. Mission Accomplished, and we drove along the promenade for the last time. Turned in to see this church (blip) - called St . Lazarus. We were here on Monday afternoon trying to cut some keys and grab something to eat. It's great to see it all lit up in the night with it's big Christmas tree. A picture which doesn't really tell of the day, but just of it's happy ending.

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