My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

3th door

We Finns count down the 24 days before Christmas by using Advent Calendars.There are all kind of Calendars; with pictures, chocolate, for dogs and cats, Scratch-Off's, the one's including toys, Legos, candy...... It's really very popular here.

I haven't got one for myself this year yet, so I decided open my own Advent Calendar also in this year here in Blip. 
So today I open third door of 
Marin Joulukalenteri 2015.

Here in North winter time is often very dark. Especially close sea, where weather is a bit milder and snow or sea ice cover comes later at winter.
Christmas lights brings much needed light giving that festive atmosphere at the same time. Usually our lighting style is moderate, like here in Pitäjänsaari district.

Today I used some magic to arrange those million stars above our heads :) 

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