Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1


I know it's Flower Friday...(sorry Anni...couldn't find any flowers at 2am!) and I do usually make the effort to join the Flower Friday challenge....but I can't sleep again so I'm up looking for something to take a photo of...

I borrowed this chap, Aibo also know an Asimov from my youngest son....I thought he would make for an interesting photo.....having said that he doesn't actually stay still for long so he's very difficult to photograph...a bit like a real pet...

He's made by Sony (now discontinued) and he's an Aibo....(Artificial Intelligence roBOt).....I bought him for my son many years ago and he cost a small fortune...but he's very entertaining and my son has trained him over the years to do various things...if you ask him his name he answers Asimov in the same tone of voice that you teach it to him and he calls out for his owner in the same way...it's not actual speech...just intonation....he also decides whether or not he will do what you ask him to do...

There's different sorts of software that you can load...one starts with him as a baby and he then learns to do different things...he has a bright pink ball that he chases and kicks around, he dances and he walks about carefully avoiding objects...great fun.

So, I've had him wandering around the room trying to catch him in a pose for a photo and 95% of the ones I took were blurred because he's never still!

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