
By Maisiebeth

Tesco sunrise

Bit of a traumatic start to the day. Maisie had to have her remaining baby tooth out this morning in preparation for braces and she's not good with the dentist. Gets quite panicky and upset. So I am standing there stroking her head and holding her hand while she goes through it. Our dentist is fabulous and very patient and it was over pretty quickly, but I think we all hate seeing our kids in any sort of distress and much as I'm a bit phobic myself about the dentist, I do wish I could have taken it for her. The positive we must take is that after the braces are done, her teeth will look so much better.
The only upside of this morning is that we had to be at the dentist at 8.15am and saw a the most beautiful sunrise. Unfortunately it was over Tescos car park, but you can't have everything.
It is a quick snap on my very basic phone so excuse the quality. I am off to work in a couple of hours until late so won't get much bliptime in today.

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on my 200th blip yesterday. And all your lovely stars and hearts have put it on p4 of Popular which is awesome, but also, you have put my derelict pier on page 1 and that is fantastic, thank you very much indeed.

Remember DS7 is up and running until midnight Sunday, so snap away and tag your photos DS7, so looking forward to seeing them

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