Squirrel Blip Friday

Well I finally did it! I saw a gorgeous squirrel sitting in the sunshine eating an acorn on a Friday!! It's beautiful here today such a contrast to the rest of the week. Still windy though with a F7 threatening. I went for an explore off the track looking for squirrels. When I decided it wasn't worth going towards the pond I started back towards home and heard the usual chattering coming from a tree up the bank. This beauty was in the shadows and when I mentioned it would so much better if it sat in the sun it obliged!!

So I'm a very happy blipper today getting my very first Squirrel Blip Friday!
More on Flickr here if this isn't enough! :-)

Following on from BlipCentral's post today, here's a great link that explains far more about it and who is behind the blipfuture idea. Another post here too.

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