Sunset at Sea

I've had a relatively busy day today - I had to be at the hospital at 10am for physio on my arm, but having told her about my back pain she said she would work on my back as well which was nice.  Then on the way home I called in to see Elif in her shop and I ended up treating myself to a new jumper which was in her sale and also bought a couple of Christmas pressies.

Home for lunch with Alan, who's been working at home today, and then against my better judgement I took the boys to the dog groomer I spoke about the other day, called to pick Chrissy up and went to The Smugglers Rest for a drink while I waited for the boys.  We both had an alcohol free German beer which was very nice, and perfect for my drink free weeks, and as The Smugglers is perched on the top of the cliffs, I nipped outside to take some shots of the sunset.

I got a text to say the boys would be ready at 4.30pm so I dropped Chrissy at home (she lives round the corner from the dog groomer) and went to pick them up.  The boys were fine, and my concerns were unfounded  - I think she'd just had a bad day the other day where one thing after another went wrong - it happens to us all I guess.  

Anyway, I'm now heading back to the hospital as my oncologist wants to see me in light of the fact that I've been so ill this week.  I'm hoping he'll be able to give me something next time to counteract the chemo.

Oh, and I've got Jamie's Beef Tagine bubbling away in the slow cooker for when we get home - it smells delicious!

Happy Friday to you all - hope you have a great weekend :-)

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