Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Another field of flowers

Did some work this morning, saw my mum and sliced the lead of the lawnmower when cutting the grass - oops, numpty brain! Spent a lot of time doing the jobs I won't have time for this week, then later in the afternoon my daughter and I went for a walk up to Farley Mount.

I last blipped Farley Mount on 11th Feb, when it was covered in snow. It amused me that standing by it this time what I could see was a field of ox-eye daisies whitening the foreground. I like the contrast of the white field and the dark sky. A little nod at film negatives. The land looks so good from this high up it's worth - I think - looking at in large if you have the time.

We saw so many other flowers up there today as well - dog roses, orchids, vetchlings, musk thistles, salsify and something you see everywhere and which I think is called weld. And what is the collective noun for larks? An ecstasy (help me out, Jeanie53..)? Okay, then, a ecstasy of larks. singing their little hearts out..

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