Has beans ....

Well,snow still here this morning,but starting to melt. Every where totally waterlogged now.
Staff turn out problems again, one obviously can't be bothered to come out to play in the snow !
Wee brother borrowed my Land Rover to go to a farm sale down near Dunbar. I had to take his one to go to the vet's to collect some stuff for a scouring calf. It used to be mine before he got it,and I had forgotten how much extra knee room it has compared to my newer one (and that is saying a lot for a Land Rover ! )
Passed this 50 acres of beans still to combine. On closer examination a lot of the pods are still green. I think this may at best be a salvage operation,at worst a lost cause. On the way back the field was absolutely blue with pigeons ,so they must be enjoying a free feed.
By tonight the bulk of the snow has melted,and we are suffering from gales with some huge gusts. As long as the power stays on !

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