I woke several times in the night with a sore throat and it was even worse when I got up this morning, so decided that an old-fashioned remedy of honey and lemon might help.  Mr. HCB and our grandson, Josh, are going up to London to see the Chelsea v. Bournemouth football game, so I can go back to bed and not worry about anyone.

Being a seasoned blipper, and knowing I probably wouldn’t be going out, I decided that this would be my entry for today - so it’s honey and lemon and a good book.  This one was recommended by Kendalishere and I got it from the library - in fact, they bought it in for me, but I am struggling through it at the moment.  I am normally a “skimmer” but because I know nothing about the great migration in America, I am trying very hard to “read” every word.  I’ll get there - eventually!

Not sure what’s happening with Blip at the moment - but there are rumblings about a crowd funding or something like that - sorry, that's about the last thing on my mind at the moment, but I have signed up so may read the various documents later.  There is lots of information here and there seem to be honest answers to questions.

I haven’t quite lost my sense of humour though - thought this quote was great and I’m sure many will relate to it:

There’s pain,
     excruciating pain, and
          stepping on a piece of Lego!

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