Mr and Mrs Bunn

A friend is posting a photo of a Linton shop front every day in the run up to Christmas with the tagline 'Shop Local This Christmas'. She explained to me that several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally-owned business, rather than a nationally-owned business, significantly more of your money (I can't remember the actual amount per £) is used to make purchases from other local businesses and service providers.
With this is mind, today we visited the Farmers Market at the Village College, followed by the art gallery (Poppy has her eye on a couple of paintings but we may need to remortgage the house!) popped into the Linton Kitchen, then down to the organic veg shop, new wine shop then finally over the road to see Matt and El in the Bakers.
Phew! What a lovely lot of businesses we have and how lucky that we can shop locally if we desire.
Matt was keen to have a photo taken outside the shop so you can see the star biscuits in the window.
Off out to dinner this evening (in the village, obviously) but not our pub of choice which was fully booked so it will be interesting to see how we get on. You never know, we might be pleasantly surprised!

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