
By Aliscotia

Is it Bourton???

Poor Robin has a dreadful cough and cold. We had planned to go to Cheltenham this morning to have a blipmeet with kwdiane and kwchas but Rob felt rotten and didn't want to pass on his germs. The bus also let me down so we had to cancel the blipmeet. So disappointed!!! Next time guys! Either Chelts or will be on me!
Instead I have made sure Robin has been rested and well medicated, steam inhalation and lemsips at regular intervals. As therapy we decided he could put up Crimbletown and I have given you a glimpse of it in the blip today. Expect more as we have two new buildings and the windmill is especially attractive!
Meanwhile I  made soup for lunch and then banana muffins this afternoon. I know, I can't believe it either, I have turned into a domestic goddess!

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