Light at the end of the tunnel?

Its a very long time since I've played with light painting, and the weather was so awful today, I decided I'd have a go using my new Christmas tree lights :)

I put them around a decorating pole as they were from the box, wound up and played :)

This was the first attempt and as it happens, the straightest :)

Some more efforts in flickr (for some reason I couldn't make an album of them there, so please just scroll down).

I did try to do some photography by the canal today, but it was so windy and everything was coming out blue (even the birds for some reason???).

Stay safe everyone!  Especially thinking of northern friends and blippers having just seen the news :(

Blipfuture?  I've signed up even just to read everything that is said about it, but not sure that I understand all the legal stuff (as a 'layman').  

The main thing is that the four blippers who have taken this on are well known, popular blippers and can be trusted!!

Thank you so much for all the stars, hearts and comments on yesterdays sunrise, it made the bottom of page 4 of popular :)

Happy Saturday folks :)

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