New Beginnings

Well it's no good crossing our fingers now, we all have to stand up and be counted my fellow blip buddies!  Can you imagine, blipfoto being owned and run by passionate and committed blippers.  Let's hope there will be a huge ground swell of support for the four courageous blippers who have set the wheels in motion to launch a CIC "Community Interest Company".  Basically in short, the Blip Community would be in control of the site, rather than someone with purely commercial interest.

I went to this link Blipfuture and read the FAQ document.  This was available to me after I had registered my interest.  It was good to know that we could see a huge amount of information about the buy out before having to make a financial commitment.

I had one simple question to ask myself before I decided to support the idea...................  How would I feel if ceased to exist?   

Without I would never have met all of you and whether I have met you in person or not is irrelevant because I know I have just loved and will continue to enjoy immensely  the friendship and love that flows freely from this site every day of my life.  

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