Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 184: Street of Light

I finally got some sleep! It took a while but when I nodded off I was out for the count until 9am. 9am!!! Normally if I was away somewhere and slept in until 9 I'd be furious - I like to be places when they open, but one glance out of the window at the hoolie blowing persuaded me we were better off inside today.

So a leisurely breakfast ( Eggs Benedict. OMG) then we wrapped up and ventured out. We were soon back inside - this time in the National Museum, which was excellent as ever. We tried the Christmas Market - rushed down a crepe and managed a couple of carousel rides then we retired to Waterstones. Back to the hotel to chill for a bit then room service for dinner. How posh are we?

I had managed to get tickets for the Street of Light but I was convinced it would be called off - somehow it wasn't, despite Storm Desmond and so off we went this evening. It was tacky, it was naff, it was gaudy, it was brash and very Vegas, WE LOVED it. You can see that in Sarah's face in extras.

Pandas tomorrow - fingers crossed it actually stops raining! We haven't had enough stuff smothered in chocolate yet.

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