Stork Talk

A full-on but fascinating and inspiring day at the BTO Annual Conference. We've attended no fewer than 13 talks, many of them about bird migration, and the use of technology to learn about bird movements. Most of the talks featured a particular bird, or group of birds - we had Godwits, Honey Buzzards, Manx Shearwater, Great Tits, Nightjars, House Martins, Common Sandpipers, and the talk just about to begin here was about Storks. Just as interesting was the demographic the of the audience and the presenters. The former were typically male, over 60, sporting checked shirts and beards, the latter, female and under 30.
We've been well fed and watered, and somewhat cocooned from the terrible weather, although the despite being pretty blustery, clearly it was nowhere near as awful as people have been experiencing in other parts of the country. I hope you are all safe and dry!

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