Old Guys!!......
..........In " Men in Black" ,a young Will Smith gets the attention of Tommy Lee Jones and Rip Torn by calling out Hey ; OLD GUYS !!
All us old farts in the audience felt a shudder run down our spine as we realised this is now the way of the world !!
So it is with some small relief I can now sing out " Hey; YOUNG GUYS " heres some old farts you can learn something from !!
(Very nearly added apart from the somewhat dubious silver tresses ........but then remembered the latest top knots sported by todays young !!!!) :-D
This is Gaberlunzie ...two gentlemen that treated us to 3 hours of non stop entertainment tonight ! Which is something they have been doing for 46 (yes...forty-six!!! )years!!
And they CAN play and sing superbly.....and all of it at under 80 decibels!
But not only that ,their craic is hilarious ;I haven't laughed quite so much for quite some time! :-)
If they come to your town,,,,,,don't miss them :-))
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