at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Screen printing

Ivy tried her hand at screen printing today and was amazed by the paper appearing at the end with her creation on it. As a medium, it really suits her style of painting - she fan blob on huge quantities of paint, but you don't end up with something at the end that will never dry. Came home and told Euan about it and we looked up how much a frame was on ebay and found one ending in a few hours - so we now own our very own screen printing frame. I'm looking forward to my house filling with ivy art.

We had a busy 'village life' day- village hall christmas fun day in the morning, art gallery 'meet the makers' event in the afternoon. Ivy had a great time playing with her friends in the gallery and pretending a very lovely handcrafted wooden bowl was a bath... (only in ullapool is behaviour like that acceptable)
On the way home form the gallery we popped into lisa for coffee, and ivy got to stay for dinner. It was odd Euan and I having dinner without her abot- we ended up having cheese on toast and feeling a bit in limbo till she reappeared for bedtime - complete with the brand new question "why do I have to go to sleep mummy?"

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