
Had an awesome day today.

Woke up quite early and had a nice quiet breakfast reading my book while the aunt and uncle were out running and my lot were all still asleep. I got the kids up and they decided to come out with me on a walk over to Carradale Bay. We walked through the avenues where Bennetts have walked for 60 years reminiscing about many of our old holidays together here.

We had particularly fond memories of the old rope swing which we all had a shot on years ago but it has not been in existence in the past few years. Freya's excitement was unconfined when she spied this swing and ran towards it screaming "It's got a tree attached to it!!!!" The kids had loads of fun but I refrained from having a turn this time.

We got bak to the house about 1 and picked up Carlos so we could all set off for an afternoon adventure. We had lunch in a wee cafe in Campbeltown then headed for the Westport end of Machrihanish beach. Carlos and I had a nice walk while the kids messed about in the water, the sun even came out for a wee while.

Uncle A & Mrs B had a fab barbecue planned so we stuffed ourselves silly and are now sitting watching the football. It's been a perfect Carradale day.

Looking forward to tomorrow when Southend beckons, doesn't matter if the weather turns as thats where our favourite tearoom is.

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