Important Letters and Matters of the Heart


I have found myself moved to the heart over the last couple of days.  There is no doubt in my mind that Blip and its people have become and immensely important part of my life.  I have grown to love taking the shot and learning how to use the variety of camera I now have in my possession.  I love the opportunity to write given to me by the discipline of writing a daily journal.  I love being able to record aspects of my life - the good and the bad.

Yesterday and today my heart has been filled with distress for my Blip Friends in the North who had to leave their home yesterday and maybe abandon the holiday they were due to go on today.  These friends I met through Blip and they have been unstintingly generous towards SHH and me every time we have visited the Lakes in the last twelve months and we have enjoyed their company immensely.  We both hope that when they return to their lovely home that the situation they face does not overwhelm them and that they know the love and support that is available to them from their Blip Friends.  I am sure that I am not only speaking for SHH and myself when I write that.

Blip Friends.  Only a Blipper could be mad enough to rearrange all the mugs in Marks and Spencers to find the right ones to spell out Blipfoto and then to select two of them to buy as a gift!  How special is that!  What sort of a community allows things like that to emerge through photographs and journals?  How much personality emerges through this community I have grown so attached to?  I also have pictures on my walls created by a fellow Blipper  (Blip Fellow!) that fill me with joy whenever I walk past them.  Memories of a wonderful Blipmeet held in Birmingham.  Then there are the Blip friends whom I know so much better than some of the friends I see every day.  We share so much when we present an image and give vent to the thoughts of our hearts and minds.  We know each other's troubles, joys, sicknesses, burdens, magnificent moments and stresses and we can hold each other in our hearts.  How can all that happen?  But it does.

And so we come to Blip Forever and Blip Future.  Another very important part of the last couple of days.  I'm in.  How could I be otherwise?  Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith in whatever way we can, whenever and wherever it comes.  It might be by making a financial commitment.  It might be by offering encouraging words, by being positive, by being a thoughtful commentator offering constructive points for consideration. It might be by just being a Blip Foto Blip Friend Blipping Forever in the Blip Future.

Two very important letters and Matters of the Heart.

I have shown you my heart here.  My friends in the North, dogs and people, my heart is particularly with you today and over the coming difficult days.  My friends in the south, east and west, never doubt how significant you are to me.  My friends in other parts of the world whom I only ever see in photos and journals, know that I love your photos and journals and you have taught me so much.

Blip Friends.  Blip Foto. Blip Future.

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