
The sandbags are out so it must be nearly Christmas. A seasonal addition to the village these days.

Luckily the rain ceased a little around midnight and must have been enough to save us from further disruption. The road was flooded for at least 24 hours which I don't remember happening before. I met one of our neighbours from further along the road and she was telling me that both of their cars and contents were flooded. They were just about an inch away from it coming into the house. Another neighbour has had a bit of their front wall collapsed. I'm not sure if it would have been the force of the water or from a car hitting it. Even though the the Police erect a 'road closed' sign there are always those who think they can still get through. It causes so much extra damage to properties with the waves caused and last night we saw at least three cars being removed by the recovery vehicle.

A less stressful day weatherise. Caught up with some housework and Daughter finalised her personal statement and baked snowflake cookies.

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