6th door of my Advent Calendar

The Advent Calendar is a finn way to count up days until Santa Claus comes.

December the 6th is the Independence Day of Finland. We have had different kind of happenings, festivities and fireworks today.

My mother won in local newspaper competition two tickets to the Independence day Concert to Tampere Hall and asked me to come with her. So we had a nice afternoon listening to Tampere Philharmonia playing Sibelius music conducted by Santtu-Matias Rouvali.

On our way back home from the Tampere hall, I asked taxi driver to drive along the main street as mum had not seen all the new illumination lights yet. (And the main street is only open for buses and taxis) He drove us slowly and as we got out from the car he very politely opened the car door and wished happy independence day.

And to the theme of the day I'd like to share you one of my favourite Sibelius songs.

Rainy day again and +8c warm. Absolutely strange weather.

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