Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham


In Glasgow for the day. Planned weeks in advance for all the activities in various places around the city.
Fitbit gave an indication that we did 17,000 steps around Glasgow today, which given how my feet and hip felt is probably about right.
I may have visited a bottle shop or two and may have procured a few new tastes for the upcoming weeks, but given previous tastings these should be stupendous.
In other news I have a new winter coat. Although my Helly Hanson jacket was wind and watertight, it wasn't that warm. So, a new improved Rab jacket has now been obtained for this cold harsh Scottish winter.

We also got to see our favourite nephew today. He was in great form and full of giggles. He is also self feeding and although I was passed a bottle to feed him with it was dutifully grabbed and suckled on. I was merely the tipping vessel to get him in the right position for food.

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