
This afternoon we took a walk to the river.  The bridge was still closed to vehicles but open to pedestrians.  Not that there was anywhere to walk as the flooding was absolutely dreadful, worse I am sure than the recent floods of 2009.  Once over the bridge,  the scene of devastation brought tears to my eyes.  The river had clearly breached the parapet of the bridge and swept all sorts of debris into the fields and gardens of several houses.  The extra shows a tree trunk which has been washed onto the drive of one house.  Residents had been evacuated and I felt so desperately sorry for them as the ground floor of their homes would be several feet under water.  The village car park which is the main picture was several feet deep with water and the fields for as far as the eye could see and the two main roads and roundabout were submerged in water.  So fortunate are we that the north side of the river does not seem to flood.  

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