Open for business!!

A day spent in the garden!! It wasn’t on the “to do” list, but the wind had dropped and it was mild so I changed the plan.

B & I moved the racking and some of the small plants in to the new potting shed on Friday, whilst a plumber worked in the utility room. So today was my first day of using my potting shed properly. It was interesting to work out how it needs to be set out for maximum function. I don’t want everything in there, but I don’t want to have to run back and forth to the garage for bits and pieces. It is superb and smells so nice inside !!!!

I love the smell of wood and expensive leather handbags!! For the latter I have to visit a handbag shop.

I slept until 9.30 this morning, the one luxury lie-in for the week, as we will be back to trades people arriving  8.30 onwards tomorrow (I hope) to get on with the bathroom refit.

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